ADRC of Racine County, Wisconsin

Assess Needs

Needs Assistance Search - Step 1 of 2

We may be able to help you find useful information. Tell us what you need most by checking the boxes that represent your most urgent needs. Check the box next to the item or issue where you think you or someone you are helping could use help or information.

When you have finished checking boxes, click on the "Start Search" button at the bottom of the questionnaire. The Needs Assistance Search Tool will search for information and services that you tell it you need. Your search is completely confidential.

Please indicate which of the following areas you would most like to find help:

Which of the following needs would you like to find help for?
Housing needs

Daily living assistance needs

Food and or meal needs

Skilled nursing care needs

Long term illness or disability needs

Social activity needs

Caregiver relief needs